An old canvas lay dusty and brown on my desk, half done with a grey crescent, painted ages ago, never stirred inspiration enough to finish, caught my eye a few days ago.
Blues and purples and pinks splashed in my mind and the coolness of the moon somehow sent a sense of peace down my spine.
…Wait a minute – the moon is not quiet, it is expressive and beautifully tainted.. it shines through the Prussian blue sky, it allows us to witness the slow steadfast movement of the clouds around it giving them so much character.
This is all a screen, a movie witnessed through the reflection of eyes, Gods eyes through ours.
Who else to own those beautiful eyes but the dainty Mayura, who then developed a beak…
As I put my brush down, I thank the Lord as he ruled me, controlling my breath, holding the brush, moving nothing but my fingers, swallowing my thoughts and stopping my sense of time, along yet another beautiful journey.
It was a long break after all…